
Here you will find useful information to help you get ready for your assessment.


Prepare and what to expect

Getting ready for your assessment

This guide will explain what to expect and how to prepare for your PIP assessment.

Companion at assessment

Having someone with you at your assessment

This guide is about having a companion at an assessment.

Supporting information guide

Supporting information - what to send

This short guide explains what type of supporting information to send with your claim.

Easy Read Guides

Prepare and what to expect

Easy Read: Getting ready for your assessment

This Easy Read format guide will explain what to expect and how to prepare for your PIP assessment.

Companion at assessment

Easy Read: Having someone with you at your assessment

This Easy Read Guide is about having a companion at an assessment.

Information what to send

Easy Read: Supporting information - what to send

This Easy Read format guide explains what type of supporting information you need to send.

Video assessment

Easy Read: Preparing for your video assessment

This Easy Read format guide explains what you need to do for your video assessment


DWP videos

These videos, created by the DWP, will help you to understand the key stages of the PIP journey. 

An overview of Personal Independence Payment BSL

An overview of Personal Independence Payment

How to claim Personal Independence Payment BSL

How to claim Personal Independence Payment

What happens at a PIP Assessment BSL

What happens at a PIP Assessment

How PIP is awarded BSL

How PIP is awarded

Your PIP assessment

Watch these short videos to find out what to expect at your PIP assessment.

Meet our Disability Assessors

Test your video equipment before your assessment

Find out how to join your video assessment

Find out what you can expect at a face-to-face assessment

What to expect at a Telephone Assessment

What to expect at a Video Relay Assessment